Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My Year to Blog

As a new year begins, I, like many other people have set some goals for this new year. One being that I would start my own blog. In this way, I can keep family and friends near and far up to date with the Fina'i family happenings. It can also serve as a journaling tool and hopefully my children will be able to treasure this in the years to come. So, I thank Pua for the MANY words of encouragement to hurry and start blogging. Hopefully, I will soon get the hang of this and the blogging will be kept current.

Besides starting our blog, we have also set some family goals as well. First, that we make it to sacrament meeting in time for sacrament. This was really hard for us last year since sacrament started at eight in the morning. Fortunately, we now start at one in the afternoon. This goal seems much more attainable now. Second, that we pray and read our scriptures daily as a family. This can be difficult with a little toddler, but we're getting better at it. Third, that we hold our weekly family home evening. Now that Taimane is older and knows some primary hymns, FHE is quite fun. We just can't have a lesson that's longer than 3 minutes!

2008 was a wonderful year for us and we are so grateful for all that we were and continue to be blessed with. We look forward to another amazing year and pray that our Heavenly Father will continue to bless our little family. We love watching our daughter grow and learn every day and are so grateful that Heavenly Father has entrusted her to us. We are excited to be welcoming a son this May and are anxious for his arrival. 2009 will bring lots of changes, yet we welcome this with joy and love!

1 comment:

Puanani said...

YAY! I'm so glad to see you guys started a blog! Loved reading your first post too :). I'll be checking frequently..hehe ;). Love you guys!